
英语绘本:Kate's game《大象凯特的游戏》

英语版 2024-01-09

Kate liked to make up games.

Today, she had her red ball.



She tossed it up.

It landed on the tip of her trunk.



Tom came to see Kate.

"Hello, Kate," he said. 

"You make up the best games. Can I play, too?"




Kate tossed the ball to Tom. PLOP!

"Oh, no!" said Kate.

"The ball is in the mud!"




"I could get it," said Tom.

"Cats are little and fast.We can run on top of mud."

"You are brave," said Kate.




Tom ran to get the ball.

"Oh,no! " said Tom.

"The ball is stuck and I am, too."




Jake came to see Kate.

"Hello, Kate," he said.

"You make up the best games. Can I play,too?"




"It is not a game," said Kate.

 "Tom is stuck in the mud."



"I could help," said Jake.

"Look at my feet. Ducks can walk on mud."

"You are brave," said Kate.




Jake went to help Tom.

"Oh,no! " said Jake. 

"Tom is stuck and I am,too."




Jane came to see Kate.

"Hello, Kate," she said.

"You make up the best games. Can I play,too?"




"It is not a game," said Kate.

"Tom and Jake are stuck in the mud."



"I could help," said Jane.

"Pigs like mud. I can wade in it."

"You are brave," said Kate.




Jane went to help Jake and Tom.

"Oh,no! " said Jane.

"Jake and Tom are stuck and I am,too!"




"I can help," said Kate.

"Jane can grab my trunk. 

Jake can get Jane's tail.

Tom can take Jake's wing. 

Now let's all pull."






They all came out of the mud.

"That was not a very good game, Kate," 

said Tom and Jake and Jane.




"No," said Kate.

"But I have a much better one."

"Oh, Kate!" said her friends. 

"You make up the best games!"






 合辑 | 英文版《西游记》1-108集(全)

    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第一季(1-52集全)

    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第二季(1-53集全)


    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第三季(1-52集全)


01-Sam sheep can't sleep《绵羊山姆睡不着》

02-When I Get Bigger《当我长大了》

03-Maisy's Christmas Eve《小鼠波波的平安夜》

04-Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!《生日快乐,丹尼和恐龙》

05-Ten Apples up on Top《头顶十个苹果》

06-The Little Egg《小鸡蛋》

07-Little Big《小大人》

08-Bob's Secret Hideaway《鲍勃的秘密藏身之处》

    09-A Jumper for James《詹姆斯的套头毛衣》

    10-The Hat《帽子》

    11-New Blue Shoes《蓝色新鞋子》

    12-Changing Colours《会变色的兔子》

    13- Where the Wild Things Are 《野兽出没的地方》

    14-My No, No, No Day! 《什么都不要的一天》

   15-Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill 《杰克、吉尔和大狗比尔》

   16-Elephant's Ears《大象的耳朵》

   17-The Mermaid and the Octopus《美人鱼和章鱼》

   18-The Very Busy Hen《忙碌的母鸡》

   19-Time for school《上学时间到啦》

   20-I Love You《我爱你》

   21-Doing Nothing 《无所事事的小青蛙》

   22-Mother Sea Turtle《海龟妈妈》

   23-Mom and Kayla《妈妈和凯拉》

  24-Rabbit on the run 《奔跑的兔子》

  25-Llama Llama Misses Mama《拉玛想妈妈》

  26-Dinosaur Roar《恐龙在咆哮》

  27-The Crow And The Jug《乌鸦喝水》

  28-What do you like? 《你爱吃什么》

  29-Give Thanks For Each Day 《感谢每一天》

  30-The Doorbell Rang《门铃响了》

  31-Biscuit Visits the Big City 《小饼干去大城市》

  32-It's Okay to Be Different 《不一样没关系》

  33-Ten Black Dots《十个小黑点》

  34-I Love School 《我爱学校》

  35-Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear《小饼干和泰迪熊》


  37-Let's Be Friends Again《我们做回朋友吧》

  38-The Mitten《手套》

  39-Good Dog 《乖狗狗》

  40-I Want A Friend 《我想有个朋友》

  41-You need money《你钱不够了》


  43-I Will Surprise My Friend《给朋友一个惊喜》

  44-The Raft Race 《木筏比赛》

  45-Ten, Nine, Eight 《十,九,八》

  46-A Colorful Chameleon 《变色龙带你认颜色》

  47-I Am Invited to a Party 《我去参加聚会》

  48-Ready for anything《做好一切准备》

  49-Rain in the Country《乡村的雨》

  50-A Colorful Chameleon《变色龙带你认颜色》

  51-The Three Wishes 《三个愿望》

  52-The Naughty Sheep《淘气的绵羊》

  53-Winnie's Midnight Dragon《温妮和午夜小飞龙》

  54-Jump and Fly《跳吧飞吧》

  55-The Kidnappers《阵阵惊魂》

  56-Big Bear Little Chair《大熊小椅子》

  57-The gingerbread man《姜饼人儿》


